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D-dimer as a screening test for suspected DVT

Authoring team


D-dimer + venous ultrasonographic imaging

venous ultrasonographic imaging alone

difference between the groups (95% CI)

development of DVT or PE in patients in whom DVT had been initially ruled out



-0.93 (2.2 to 0.2) not significant


  • for diagnosis of DVT, the ELISA and quantitative rapid ELISA are more sensitive than latex and whole blood agglutination assays (4)
  • a normal result on the highly sensitive D-dimer test (ELISA) is effective for ruling out DVT in patients with a low to moderate clinical probability of DVT (5)
  • there are various situations where there may be a false negative D-dimer (6) - this study analysed false negative results occurring with the Simpli-Red agglutination assay
    • (LMW)heparin treatment, symptoms of venous thromboembolism for more than 10 days or less than 24 hours and a very small thrombus load, are associated with an increased risk for a false-normal D-dimer test result, although the clinical usefulness of these criteria to adequately identify those patients with a false-normal D-dimer outcome appears to be limited (6)


  1. Aschwanden M, Labs KH, Jeanneret C et al . The value of rapid D-dimer testing for combined with structural clinical evaluation for the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis. J Vasc Surg 1999;30: 929-35.
  2. Lennox AF, Delis KT, Serunkuma S et al. Combination of a clinical risk assessment score and rapid whole blood D-dimer testing in the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in symptomatic patients. J Vasc Surg 1999;30: 794-804.
  3. Wells PS et al. Evaluation of D-dimer in the diagnosis of suspected deep-vein thrombosis. N Engl J Med 2003;349:1227-35.
  4. Stein PD et al. D dimer for the exclusion of acute venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2004;140:589-602
  5. Fancher TL et al. Combined use of rapid D-dimer testing and estimation of clincal probability in the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis: systematic review. BMJ 2004;329:821.
  6. Kraaijenhagen RA et al.Can causes of false-normal D-dimer test be identified.Thrombosis Research 2003 ;111(3):155-158.

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