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Counselling of women seeking abortion

Authoring team

It is important that healthcare staff caring for women requesting abortion should identify those who require support in the decision-making process:

  • majority of women have made their decision before consulting a health care provider and will be certain of their decision
    • such women should not be subjected to compulsory counselling and need only an explanation of abortion options and should be referred without delay
  • for women who are in doubt about their decision or need discussion
    • pathways to additional support, including counselling and social services, should be made available (1)

Several fundamental points to touch upon when counselling:

  • establish reason for the request
  • consider alternatives
  • explain the methods and implications of the proposed course of action for the patient and their family
  • explain possible immediate and delayed sequelae - remember psychological components
  • discuss effects on future fertility
  • discuss future use of contraception

After abortion, the patient may experience emotions such as relief, sadness, anger, guilt, and regret. So it is important that supportive counselling before and after an abortion be available for those who request it (2).


  1. Royal college of obstetricians and gynaecologists (RCOG) 2011. The care of women requesting induced abortion. Evidence based clinical guideline number 7.
  2. Lohr PA et al. Abortion.  BMJ 2014;348:f7553

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