In the UK there are around 10,300 new cases of leukaemia every year (2017-2019 statistics). It is the 12th most common cancer in the UK (all subtypes combined), accounting for 3% of all new cases.
In females in the UK, leukaemia is the 12th most common cancer, with around 4,200 new cases every year (2017-2019).
In males in the UK, leukaemia is the 10th most common cancer, with around 6,100 new cases every year (2017-2019).
Incidence rates for leukaemia in the UK are highest in people aged 85 to 89 (2017-2019).
Each year almost 4 in 10 (38%) of all new leukaemia cases in the UK are diagnosed in people aged 75 and over (2017-2019).
Since the early 1990s, leukaemia incidence rates have increased by around a seventh (15%) in the UK. Rates in females have increased by around a seventh (13%), and rates in males have increased by a tenth (10%) (2017-2019).
Over the last decade, leukaemia incidence rates have remained stable in the UK. Rates in females have remained stable, and rates in males have remained stable (2017-2019).
Leukaemia incidence rates are projected to fall by 3% in the UK between 2023-2025 and 2038-2040.
risk factors for leukaemia include exposure to radiation and previous chemotherapy/radiotherapy
most cases of leukaemia are diagnosed following a full blood count undertaken because of clinical features of bone marrow failure (pallor, fatigue, bleeding, bruising, infections etc)
some cases of leukaemia may present with hepatosplenomegaly and/ or lymphadenopathy
12% of leukaemia cases in the UK are preventable.
9% of leukaemia cases in the UK are caused by ionising radiation.
3% of leukaemia cases in the UK are caused by smoking.
Less than 1% of leukaemia cases in the UK are caused by workplace exposures.
1 in 80 UK females and 1 in 50 UK males will be diagnosed with leukaemia in their lifetime (born in 1961).
Cancer Research UK. Leukaemia statistics. Online 2025.
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