The right recurrent laryngeal nerve originates from the descending right vagus nerve as it passes intermediate to the right subclavian vein anteriorly and the right subclavian artery posteriorly. It curves posteriorly around the inferior margin of the right subclavian artery. Then, it passes medially and ascends over the posterolateral surface of the trachea into the groove between oesophagus and trachea.
Ascending in the tracheo-oesophageal groove, consecutively the recurrent laryngeal nerve is related to:
On route, it also gives off cardiac and tracheal branches.
At the level of the thyroid gland, it passes beneath the inferior border of the muscle cricopharyngeus to run deep to it and superiorly towards the pharynx and larynx. Within the latter areas, the recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies the:
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